【Environmental Innovation Talk】Supply Chain Challenges and Green

【Environmental Innovation Talk】Supply Chain Challenges and Green Strategies
What’ll come to your mind when you hear the phrase, "green supply chain"? Is it about carbon reduction, energy saving and waste reduction?
Recently, in the business circle, people may pay attention to an enterprise’s sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG). For example, mega-companies like Apple have started to advocate "greening the supply chain." This notion suggests that the downstream suppliers will be excluded from the supply chain if they fail to comply with sustainability standards. This is an important task that the Taiwanese manufacturing industries are facing now.
Founded in 1971, Delta Electronics has three corporate goals: "environmental protection, energy-saving, loving the Earth 🌏". Delta has been marching towards the goal of green supply chain, and has been awarded the CDP Supplier Engagement Leader in recent two years!
Let's come and listen to Delta Vice President’s talk about how he shares the green supply chain strategy!
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Speaker|TSAI Rurng-Tering (Vice President of Delta)
Time|Tue. 29 March, 2022 | 15:00-17:00
Location|11F, Info-Library Building